What is LendeXe?2023-01-08T22:39:20+01:00

A decentralised liquidity market protocol which provides 2 types of loans and a native stablecoin.

LendeXe P2P Lending: Using LendeXe supplying/borrowing pools; suppliers will gain passive income by depositing cryptocurrencies. On top of it, they can even use their supply as collateral to borrow other cryptocurrencies. LendeXe Ultimate Loan: Using LendeXe Ultimate Loan; LEXE token suppliers can have access to a 1.5x loan in form of XSD. If anyone supplies $1 worth of LEXE, they can apply for a $1.5 loan in form of XSD after meeting the conditions.

Why LendeXe?2023-01-08T22:39:47+01:00

LendeXe is audited and secured. So LendeXe gives you access to the time value of your cryptocurrencies in a secure way.

How do I interact with LendeXe protocol?2023-01-08T22:40:04+01:00

For the interaction with the LendeXe Protocol you need a Internet Browser and a Wallet which is connected to MetaMask. Once you go to the link of the dApp you can connect with your Metamask and then you are free to use LendeXe dApp.

Should I pay fees to use LendeXe?2023-01-08T22:40:21+01:00

LendeXe Lending is 100% feeless. To use LendeXe Ultimate Loan, users will pay a 1% fee. The network’s transaction fee is apart from LendeXe and depends on the network’s conditions.

What is LEXE token?2023-01-08T22:40:26+01:00

LEXE is LendeXe governance token. Using LEXE, users can participate in LendeXe governance via voting. Ultimate Loan users can have access to the protocols fee since XSD is backed by the protocol’s revenue.

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